Tuesday, August 30, 2011

a view of our classroom!

Hey there! We have been super busy learning the past 4 days. We are off to a fantastic start in 3rd grade! Enjoy a few pictures from our classroom...

We created this graph on the first day of school to graph our birthdays.
 We wrote about what we can do well.
 Our classroom wishlist.
 Essential Questions: what the focus of learning will be.
 Our classroom libary.
 A view outside from our classroom and the literary genres.
Our classroom.
 Our cubbies.
 We highlight our name before turning in our work to help us make sure we put our name on our paper.
 Mailboxes: student work is filed here by Mrs. Rice.
 Our door.
The flowers were created on the first day of school. The center of the flower has our name and a picture of ourselves. The petals are sentences about why we are special.


  1. Thank you for taking the time to do this and show parents what fun you have inside the classroom!!
